Birthday Yoga for Kids

My 3 Birthday Wishes Are: Better Parenting, Teaching and Coaching for Kids

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It’s my birthday this week! What do I want? Mine and my family’s health and happiness, of course. What else? I wish for parents, teachers and coaches to become the best versions of themselves so they can lead our kids modeling the skills that we all need to succeed.

In my 20 years of working with children and teens, I’ve learned a few things that can help any parent, teacher and coach be their best. And surprisingly, I’ve learned them not from “the experts” but from making the leap from my own experiences on my yoga mat to my everyday life.

1. Listen. I mean it. Stop it with your coaching and teaching and parenting, and listen to your kids…with your FULL attention. That’s a tall order already, I know. If you want to connect and have any influence with your child, you must listen to them. The way I learned to listen to body on my yoga mat is in silence. That’s when the body speaks.

2. Learn. When you listen, you will learn what matters to them. They will confide in you and they will consider your wishes when they make decisions — even when you are not there to hover (oops, I mean, help). When you know what matters to them, you stay significant to them. I learned what matters most to me when I’m quiet in savanna at the end of yoga.

3. Lead. If you are successful in your listening and learning, you will be an effective leader. Your child learns from you…what you model. Model well. Be mindful of your behavior. As you know, they do what we DO, not what we say. I learned the limits of my body to help keep me safe. I also learned to expand my mind to “play the edge” so I can grow in my yoga practice.

Be the leader you want them to be. Is that one with ego or one with acceptance, support and love? Remember, the most important thing is you can do for a hurting world is to heal yourself. It’s not selfish - it affects all of us. Starting with our kids. Learn how to be your best in our upcoming in-person Warrior Training. I can’t wait to show you how.


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