Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Camp SF

3 Ways To Skip The Stress Of Setting Up Summer Camps

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With New Year’s resolutions barely set (and maybe even dissolved), parents nationwide start thinking about summer. The summer camp scramble to sign kids up begins in January. Limited spots and large demand often lead to a highly competitive environment. Many parents (mostly moms) have a summer-camp spreadsheet color-coded with registration dates and cross-referenced to work calendars and vacation travel. Because it’s an art, and a science, to manage 12 weeks of no school.

A 2019 survey from the Center for American Progress found that for three-quarters of parents, securing summer care was at least a little bit difficult. Only one-fifth of all parents are stay-at-home so accessibility and affordability matter - especially for working parents.

How can you stay calm and get set for summer? Here are some ideas…

1. Forget the frenzy for far away camps and check out local summer camp guides like this one from San Francisco Bay Area Moms. There may be new programs you didn’t know about that are worth checking out from a valuable resource.

2. Team up with another parent, or your class, to create a list of recommended camps they may be attending. Enrolling in camp with a friend is fun for the kids and sharing the task of identifying camps and securing spots is more efficient and rewarding for you.

3. Engage your child’s interests and expose them to something new to expand their skill set. Working with several weeks of camp, it’s easy to select their favorite activities and introduce them to something new. Education and enrichment, especially outdoors, deepens their experience.

Growing comes from challenge, so look for camps that create a “safe container” to explore and make new connections. And definitely try our Presidio camp if you live in San Francisco.