Kids yoga teacher training

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A group of kids yoga teacher trainers

Our system

Your success

Warrior 1 Essentials

Everything you need to teach safely and successfully. Get certified to teach worldwide!

Warrior 2 Professional

Build your brand with live coaching and business support. Earn extra income and increase impact.

Warrior 3 Yoga Alliance

Become a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT) with our fun and scientific system!

For over 20 years, we’ve trained thousands to be mindfulness leaders so kids feel healthier and happier.

Join our global Warrior team


Get your questions answered
Schedule a 15-minute consultation with Michelle

Professional Development
+ Parent Education

Fortify kids’ physical fitness and mental health

Whether you are a parent who wants the best for your child, or a teacher who wants “ready to learn” children in the classroom, or a coach who wants to reduce injuries and maximize performance, IYK® Warrior Training is for you. We customize professional development and in-service workshops for your school or organization so the whole team applies the evidence-backed skills they need to help children succeed.

“Way more than poses, this training transformed how I connect with children and changed the trajectory of my life.”